Sign-ups for the DadsGaming Summer Raids
Sign-ups are now CLOSED for our Summer Raids!
With an overwhelming amount of responses, we will have 11-full parties with almost 70 Dads participating! We’re contacting our team leaders and forming our Raid Parties. Such a great community, here, at DadsGaming!
But wait there’s more!
We have a surprise for all who’ve signed-up, played in our Summer Raid, and sport our “DadsGaming” Clan tags….
I announced on Twitter that everyone who participates in the summer raid event will be automatically entered in a drawing to win a free Taken King DLC ($40 value) code for the system of their choosing. Only participants are elgible. I will be donating the price. Once the raids are finished we will randomly select a winner and once the winner has selected the system…I will pre order the expansion and DM the winner the code. If you already have it ordered or pay for and want to be exempt just so this goes to someone who really needs it please let me know!