What we played in January
Welcome to our first Dads Gaming “What we played”, a new monthly segment where we share what our community has...
Surround yourself with fellow, like-minded, dads who understand that family comes first. We have limited game time, and want to make the most out it!
Founded in 2014 by Renovatio 42
Gamers upgraded to level: Dad Gamer
Helping dads connect is just the beginning, we also support select charities.
Registered Members
Warblade randallw
Tibiryus Tibiryus
Spectre spectre51
DerksZilla DerksZilla
ReubyJuice ReubyJuice
Seliphas Seliphas
MrxResorto MrxResorto
acalltoashes acalltoashes
Uniko Servin Uniko_Servin
Passwatch GPasswatch
PhreakNo1 phreakno1
John LooseCanaan
Ed WestCoastRodz
cardfan76 cardfan76
OldSpecter OldSpecter
ichabod00 orbertjr
timmy_allen timmy_allen
Featured articles
Welcome to our first Dads Gaming “What we played”, a new monthly segment where we share what our community has...
Dadsgaming.com, reddit.com/r/dadsgaming, and Twitter are great ways to interact with DG members, but the best way to stay in regular...
Be part of Dads Gaming and join today!