28 Apr 2016
Operation Supply Drop Stream Team

May 2nd through May 9th Dads Gaming will be teaming up with Operation Supply Drop all week long!

Our Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/TheDadsGaming


Buy this shirt and help support Operation Supply Drop, a veteran charity focused on veterans across the world. 100% of the profits will go to Operation Supply Drop

Here is our Stream Team and Schedule:

All times are EDT, use http://everytimezone.com to convert to your local time

Today’s Schedule (Friday, May 6th)

Time (EDT) Streamer (System) - Game
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Mitragliatrice (PS4) - Battleborn
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Pickle327 (PS4) -
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM WarbladeX (Xbox One) -
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM W3st (Xbox One) -
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM IlatzimepAho (PS4) - Star Wars Galaxies
10:00 PM - 12:00 AM Passwatch (PS4) - destiny w/ COZMO, Bungie Community Manager

Late Tonight’s Schedule (Saturday, May 7th)

Time (EDT) Streamer (System) - Game
12:00 AM - 2:00AM Renovatio 42 (Xbox One) - Halo 5 w/ Ahman Green
2:00 AM - 4:00AM Pickle327 -

Complete Schedule:

Operation Supply Drop Inbound with Dads Gaming

About Dads Gaming’s Operation Supply Drop Charity Stream

Meet our Stream Team for Operation Supply Drop 2016

For questions reguarding sheduling, please contact: Mit, our Twitch Media Manager or use our discord chat channel:#the_stream_team

Authored By
I am the founder of Dads Gaming community and website.


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